denim, denim, and more denim!
or, big time bargains …

Fabric shopping … one of my favorite activities. But sometimes the best finds are off the beaten path.

I make a lot of bags and smaller items so I don’t needs yards and yards of material. Often, I’m looking for just that special piece that will make a project come alive.

Thrift shops are great source of unique or inexpensive fabrics. From t-shirts for quilts and old leather jackets for trim to wool sweaters for felting, you never know what you will find. Once I scored 3 yards of gorgeous red ultrasuede in the “buck-a-pound” bin!

My latest obsessions often include t-shirts and denim. And thrift shops are a fabulous source for denim. Especially the men’s department. Especially the men’s extra, extra large department! I recently bought a size 54 suit that I used to make two laptop sleeves and a messenger bag!

[box type=”shadow”]my current favorite bargain/unique stuff hunting grounds?

The Garment District
and Savers (donations benefit the Epilepsy Foundation)[/box]