hypoallergenic cats or
portable pets

Inspired by my daughter’s sighs about missing her cat when she went off to college (and a friend with cat allergies) I have stuffed our cat! Well, not our actual cat … but given my wont to see the solution to all problems in terms of fabric, I printed a picture of our cat on fabric and made a stuffed Morrison for her. And then a few more for the cat deprived among us!

To allow the Morrison cat pillow to stand (sit?) upright on her bed, I added a flat base and some plastic bead weights.

Need a pet to cuddle without the sneeze? Or a stand-in pet for your college bound student. Let me know! I can print in color or black & white. The pillow is not meant to exactly replicate your pet (flat photo print, no articulating limbs), just the love.

I’d love to make a pillow of a pug or boston terrier for those who can’t have a dog. Does anyone have a picture I can use? I’ll make you a pillow in exchange! Drop me a line.

Categorized as pillow