sewing tip of the day

Sometimes it’s the little things.

Little things like trying to sew a small seam or applique or binding. Little things like a little ripple in the fabric layers; that if left unchecked will become a big pain.

Little things like a small bamboo barbecue skewer!? Yep, best little tip I’ve received in ages. Use the tip of a skewer to guide and control little pieces as they feed into the sewing machine. Small pieces will often feed unevenly, especially if they have different grainlines, and a little gentle guidance with the tip of the skewer keeps everyone in line, flat and happy. Yay!

And not that I know from foolish experience, but a bamboo skewer is much, much better to use than the point of a seam ripper. Sorry new needle. Sorry fabric.

It’s the little things …

(Thanks to Catherine Gentile at Button Box Sewing for the tip.)